Men’s Wellbeing Matters is a suicide prevention service delivered by Suicide Prevention and Peer Workers from Wellways.

This service aims to help men aged 35 to 65 years, living on the North Coast New South Wales, to strengthen their support structures and increase hope in their lives.

What does Men's Wellbeing Matters provide?

Men’s Wellbeing Matters provides a range of trauma-informed, non-clinical, strengths based, practical support including:

• Individual and group-based sessions

• Assistance to increase evidence based knowledge and develop coping strategies

• Help to connect with others and strengthen support networks.

• If needed, links with clinical support

Supporting community awareness

Building community capacity to respond to suicide is a key focus of Men’s Wellbeing Matters.

Through providing training, skills and knowledge in suicide intervention and prevention, we also help to build local community capacity to prevent suicide.

As a result, key community members such as sporting coaches or business owners may be identified as ‘Community Champions’ who can then help connect people with support services.

Depending on the person’s needs, services may be delivered online, by phone or face to face.

two men with a dog chatting the back of a white ute.

How can you get support?

If you would like more information you can call 1800 595 212 or email

Healthy Hub Connect walk-in locations

Healthy Hub partnership and funding

Men's Wellbeing Matters is a service offered by Wellways and is part of Healthy Hub Connect, a joint effort involving EACH, Wellways, The Buttery, Ability Options, and Health Voyage. It is funded by Healthy North Coast through the North Coast PHN program.