There are 2-3 young carers in every classroom.

Many young carers do not realise they are a carer, they are just helping out their mum, dad, sibling or grandparent. No matter what a caring role looks like, there is support available.

What do young carers do?

Young carers help with daily tasks such as:

  • Household chores eg. Cooking, cleaning, washing
  • Grocery shopping and running errands
  • Personal care eg. Bathing, toileting, dressing
  • Administering medicine and keeping medical appointments
  • Managing finances and paying bills
  • Social and emotional support

Support for young carers

Young carers' needs may differ from those of other carers, and our Young Carer Specialists can help young carers identify what support will help them most. Some supports we have to help young carers include:

  • Tutoring and school readiness including school fees, uniforms and equipment
  • Extracurricular activities such as sport and music lessons
  • Access to driving lessons
  • Camps and holiday programs
  • Domestic assistance such as lawn mowing and cleaning
  • Coaching, support groups and art therapy

Information for schools and TAFEs

Teachers and staff play a key role in identifying and helping young carers and their parents/guardians. Our Young Carer Specialists and Service Navigators are available to visit your school and provide you with more information about Wellways Carer Gateway.

We encourage Guidance Counsellors and Officers, Student Support Teams and Principals to complete the form below to arrange a meeting with one of our Young Carer Specialists or Service Navigators to learn more about how we can help.

Information for young carers and their parents/guardians

Being a young carer is hard, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you or someone you know is a carer, register for free services here:

Carer Gateway Registration

Hellen's story

Hellen, a young carer, talks about caring for her sister and sacrificing certain things such as self-care due to its responsibilities and her positive experience of getting the right support.

Wellways Carer Gateway is a free government funded support service available to carers of all ages. Carer Gateway services help carers to build skills and reduce strain ensuring they are in the best emotional space for their important caring role.

Contact us

Carer Gateway is a national service funded by the Australian Government.