The Wellways k.i.t. (Keeping in touch) website is now Wellways resources. You can find some of the articles from Wellways k.i.t. under the relevant topics below. Stay tuned for more helpful Wellways resources to come in the near future.

Mental Health
Resources to help you look after your mental health and the mental health of your loved ones.

Suicide Prevention
Important information that can be used when you or someone you know needs support to stay safe.

Families and carers
A collection of resources covering a range of topics relating to caring for people with mental health challenges and disabilities.

Engaging Communities

Tune in to care
Tune in to care is a six-part podcast following the lives of five carers – Mary, George, Lena, Luna and Maya.

Brainwaves is a community radio program produced and presented by people with a lived experience of mental health issues.