Contact us

Call: (03) 5622 4140

Eastern Melbourne
Call: (03) 8486 4292

Western Victoria
Call: (03) 4333 0251

What is Psychosocial Support Service?

The Psychosocial Support Service (PSS) provides flexible one-on-one or group support to improve someone’s mental and physical health, when and where they need it.

Psychosocial support can assist people to participate in their community, manage daily tasks, secure stable employment or housing and connect with family and friends.

How does Psychosocial Support Service help?

The Psychosocial Support Service has a whole of person approach with a focus on mental and physical health.

Psychosocial support may include:

  • Developing social skills and friendships
  • Building relationships with family
  • Managing money
  • Finding and looking after a home
  • Building skills and qualifications
  • Developing work goals
  • Staying physically well, including exercise
  • Support with drug, alcohol and smoking use
  • Building life skills including confidence and resilience
  • Exploring access to the NDIS

How to access this service

People with severe mental health issues who live in Victoria’s Gippsland region or Eastern/North-eastern Melbourne and are not receiving support from the NDIS may be eligible. For those in Western Victoria, please visit the Well Connected program.

Anyone can make a referral to the Psychosocial Support Service including:

  • People referring themselves
  • Carers
  • Friends and/or families
  • GPs and other service providers in the region

For more information or to access this service:

Call (03) 5622 4140 or email

Eastern Melbourne
Call (03) 8486 4292 or email

Eastern Melbourne Group Events

The Eastern Melbourne Psychosocial Support Service (PSS) offers regular group sessions, at no-cost, for all registered program participants. Our mission is to support mental health and wellbeing through community engagement, skill development, and fostering a sense of belonging.

These groups are designed to promote community connectedness, enhance wellbeing, and develop participants' skills. Examples of groups include mindfulness workshops, social groups, and skill-building sessions.

Group offerings vary throughout the year, adapting to participant interests and seasonal factors.


All individuals registered in the PSS program are welcome to join these groups throughout the duration of their time in the program.

For more information or to request a copy of the current group schedule, please contact us via phone or email:

Phone: (03) 8486 4292

Psychosocial Support Service is funded by the Australian Government PHN project, Eastern Melbourne PHN and Gippsland PHN.